Monday, August 10, 2009

Bottle Feeding

Brady had a good day. The physical therapist came in for his 11am feeding to try the bottle again. She was very pleased with how well he did. He was able to pace himself and drink from the bottle without getting too much at once. He got sleepy after drinking 24 of the 33 ml. The nurse just put the rest through the gavage tube. Dave was able to feed Brady for his 5pm feeding after giving him a bath. The photos make Brady's hair look reddish, but it is really brown with some blonde.


  1. I can't believe how much he looks like little David :) He is so precious and i can't wait to see him again. Hope you are doing as well as Brady! Love you all,

  2. Krissy and Dave,
    Brady is so precious and such a strong little boy. I think about you guys everyday and am so happy to hear how well he is doing. The home stretch, yeah! I will continue to keep Brady and the family in my thoughts and prayers.
    Laura Hess
