Sunday, May 31, 2009
Getting Better
Karissa woke this morning with a 102.5 fever and she is now back on antibiotics. Dr. Silva thinks it is from the membrane break on Tuesday.
I will continue to update with information later today.
Thanks for all the support and prayers.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
He's a fighter
Karissa is doing awesome!!! She has been up walking and been able to go to the NICU twice already. She is tolerating the pain very well. Planned discharge date for Karissa is on Monday.
They have her pumping ,as breast milk is best especially for preemie's. He will not be fed anything for 7 days but she will have it ready for him as soon as he is ready.
Please continue to keep them in your prayers. They are working!!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
I will try to keep this updated, been up all night but good to go with the double shot of Starbucks !!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Well He is a Barr!!!! He has arrived
Brady was born at 6:59pm. He came out and was immediately intibated.
Dave and I went up to the NICU and Karissa was sent to recovery.
Brady at this point is doing just what they expect him to do. He is on an osculating vent. His vitals are stable. They have had to sediate him twice already. He is a fighter.
Please continue to keep them in your prayers.
Karissa just returned to her room. They did take her to the NICU so she could see him.
He looks perfect. Just very tiny
His weight was 1 pound 14 ounces and he is 13 inches long.
Dave and I are doing our best to return texts and calls now but both of our phones are almost dead.
We will be here all night.
We will try our best to keep posting as much as possible.
I do have to say that the staff here has been awesome!!! They are greast and so informative and helpful.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
HE'S STILL IN 24wks 4days
Only a couple contractions here and there this evening so that is good news.
Dave and I were able to visit the NICU today and see where Brady will be. The nurses were great and very informative. They told us that at his current weight his body would be the size of a soda can. Thats tiny!!They gave us the smallest diaper we had ever seen. Delaneys doll diapers are bigger than these. Also gave us the smallest binkie imaginable..
So we continue to wait and pray for one more day. each day he stays inside is so important.
Please Keep Praying for them.
One more Day
Today all is good as well. They have stopped the magnesium sulfate this afternoon. That was being given to stop contractions. Apparently they can only give that to her for a few days. She has been given 2 steriod injections so that will help develop his lungs better.
Now we wait. Take it day to day and hour by hour now. If the contractions start up again or if Karissa shows any sign of infection they will do an emergency c-section as he is breech.
Karissa and have are hanging in very well. If no contractions for the next few hours Karissa is allowed to get up for 15 minutes to shower. That will be such a releif for Karissa
Dave hopes to be able to get a tour of the NICU this afternnon so that he can be prepared for the time ahead.
So when will he be born.....Out of anyones hands right now. Could be as soon as today or still weeks away. The average length of holding off labor after ruptured membranes is about 7 days. Could be sooner or could be a lot longer. Each day will help his lung development. So we pray for a long hospital stay. Not a fun stay but worth each extra day he stays inside. Karissa will be here at the hospital until she delivers and recovers from the delivery.
What we know..Brady will be a preemie. His heart rate is staying great right now and very responsive. This is all great news!!!
Please continue to pray for him and all the Barrs!!!
I will do my best to post more updates now that I am here.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Baby Brady is Trying to make an early Entry into the World
I am starting this blog for the Barr family to help relay information as things progress.
Karissa is 24 weeks and 2 days along carrying Brady Barr. I guess he started being a Barr already and decided to add some excitement to the world a bit sooner than all had anticipated. Karissa’s membranes (water) ruptured this morning while she was on her regular walk. They went directly to the hospital, which is where she is now.
Currently the situation is as follows. She is on complete bed rest. She is having some intermittent contractions but they are trying at this point to stop them. She is dilated a little bit but not much at this point. They have given her a steroid injection to help Brady’s lung development. So now we sit and wait. Pray for each hour and day that he can remain inside Karissa.
They are monitoring her very closely and told her that she will remain in the hospital until Brady is born.
Unfortunately Brady wanted to make another statement, as he is breech!! They will need to take him c-section when the time arises. The hopes are to keep him inside at least until Thurs or Friday. Even longer if possible!!!
Please pray for the whole Barr Family right now. Pray for Brady to stay inside until his time is here, hopefully several days from now. Each day is a blessing at this point.
I will be flying out there tomorrow. I will do my best to keep this posted with as many updates as possible.
As many of you know me I cannot type worth beans so please excuse my spelling and punctuation.
God Bless,