Friday, August 14, 2009

11 Weeks Old

Brady is 11 weeks old today. He weighed in at 4 lbs. 6 oz. this afternoon. I have to say that although it is hard to update this some nights because we are so exhausted, Dave and I are incredibly thankful we still have a reason to update it. Brady has beaten the odds he was given the day he was born. He continues to do very well. He just needs to stay awake long enough to finish his! The nurse Brady had today thinks he has another 2 weeks in the NICU. I'm excited, but very very nervous.
We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends. Thank you for your continued prayers, messages, gifts, help...etc.
Karissa & Dave


  1. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 weeks How exciting!!! Better get everything ready now!!!! The way he is going it will be 10 days LOL I am so excited for all of you. This has been tough battle on everyone but HE DID IT!!!!!He is Gods little miracle!!!

  2. Kari and Dave, day by day, step by step, instruction by instruction ... may Brady grow stronger; may staff help you grow in confidence. Your son is a lucky boy to have such nurturing parents. Bless the Barr Five. Love, Aunt Jude

  3. That is so wonderful that Brady will be coming home in just 2 weeks! I know you're nervous, but everything will be are such a great mother. He is so beautiful and I can't wait to see him again. Love, Aunt Candy

  4. I bet David and Delaney are really excited too! Brady is such a strong boy, the Tarheels will be lucky to have him on the team!!
    Love you always,
    Nani & Trey

  5. Hey Karissa, I have been reading the posts, I hate to say it but I had some catching up to do with the updates, it's been crazy. All of this new information is such wonderful news, don't stress you are a great Mommy and you and Dave make an amazing team!! Brady has beat the odds, but no doubts, look at his parents! Send Delaney, Dave and Brady our love!

    Angela,Jody, Alexis, Brandon and Austin

  6. So sweet....and so much hair!!! Glad to see that all is going so well. Don't forget if you need some help I can come up at anytime.


    Anna Marie
