Today, Brady is 28 weeks. He is doing better with the adjustments the doctors made. We pray he continues to respond well to the changes. I spoke with the nurse practitioner regarding the possible reasons for his breathing issues. She said it just has to do with his prematurity. As his food intake goes up, he has to exert more energy to digest it and that takes away energy from his breathing. This is what preemies go through...it makes sense, but still so worrisome.
While I was visiting him this morning, I got to change his diaper again:0) He cried the entire time I was doing it too. It reminded me of Delaney when she was a baby.
We went back to see him this evening and up to that point (Saturday night through Sunday morning) he had only 3 episodes of apnea whereas Friday night through Saturday morning, he had 13. So, he is doing better. I apologize if this is all confusing. It is difficult to explain.
Thank you all so much for continued prayers.